
Good health is very important in our life so keep good health with my way and it’s very simple way, just three steps:-

  • Initially you choose only one type of exercise; aerobics or yoga.
  • Be happy, relax and enjoy your life with good energy because life is beautiful;  doing meditation  because meditation gives good energy.
  • One more very important thing is love because without love you can’t live happily.

What Happens to Those Who Try to Reach God Without the Benefit of Yoga Techniques?

A few of them are successful if they came into this life with strong spiritual karma from the past. The great majority, however, even if they start out on the path with enthusiasm, gradually become discouraged.

“Where is that God,” they ask finally, “to Whom I’ve been praying all these years?” They attain a little inner peace, but over the years their prayers become increasingly a matter of habit, less one of inspiration.

Rarely, in the West, have the centuries seen such great saints as there have been in India.